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Mon Préféré
Jade Green

Jade Green

En stock: 13
Niveau de caféine (mg/1g)

Le thé Jade Green est un thé vert chinois de luxe cultivé dans la région de Pu'er, dans la province du Yunnan, dans le sud-ouest de la Chine. Notre thé Jade Green fin a été traité avec une manipulation minimale, de la cueillette à la main au roulage et au séchage ; les fines feuilles sont manipulées le moins possible pour garantir le goût le plus frais possible. Le procédé artisanal permet aux feuilles de conserver leur couleur jade fraîche et vive.

Une fois infusé, le goût vif est suivi par une saveur sucrée, florale et qui persiste en bouche, un corps « vert » végétal et une note finale soyeuse. Notre thé Jade Green est un délicieux exemple de thé vert chinois de luxe qui stimulera tous vos sens à chaque gorgée.

Comment faire
une tasse de thé parfaite
3 - 3.5 min
Thé vert
Lynn Falvey
Juin 2023
[EN] Best product for the money. It’s the only tea I drink now. I am especially fond of the lychee jasmine green tea. Lots of flavor. I have been a customer over 2 years and always get the same quality when I reorder every month. Real tea drinkers know this is great company. Never had any issues. They return calls immediately if I mess up an order. What else can you ask for?
Troy Dawson
Décembre 2022
[EN] I can believe this time tea doesn’t have better reviews. I order this tea a couple of months, genuinely had low expectations since it’s on the cheaper side. I couldn’t have been more wrong. This is without a doubt the best tea for its price here at Tealyra. Even if it were 4 times the price it would still be a great deal. This tea is sweet, lightly savory filled with delicious honey and flowers notes that will reach throughout you home. No bitterness or astringency, and it last for many infusions gong tu, for me 7-8. I cannot recommend this tea enough. For anyone new into tea, this is the perfect introduction to green tea. You will be amazed at this quality, even when compared with other greens here at Tealyra.
Heather Barrett
Mars 2022
[EN] A deliciously smooth and light green tea, with subtle floral and grassy notes. Easy to drink and enjoy, good for the afternoons if you want something lighter to drink. Definitely a new staple in my tea collection!
Becky M
Juillet 2021
[EN] OK, this tea deserves a review. This is an amazingly smooth tea, with sweet undertones that linger for quite a long time. The longer this tea sits, the better the undertone and the richer the tea. I add some of this to the osmanthus oolong to perk it up, but it stands up on its own as well.
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